Radiological Protection

The use of ionizing radiation has numerous applications that have wide benefits for society and individuals. A common example is the use of X-rays for diagnosis purposes in the medical field. The exposure of individuals to ionizing radiation, either as a patient in a medical procedure or as an employee responsible for its performance, is ruled within an international regulatory framework and by certain principles that should be taken into account.

The use of certain X-ray protection accessories is required by law in order to ensure radiological protection, for both the patient and the technician.

Radtec offers radiation protective aprons for adults and children, thyroid shields, screens, goggles and other accessories.


Radtec also sells and installs dose-measuring devices (DMD) that provide connection to older X-ray equipment where that information is not available and supplies the copper filters required by law for placement on the diaphragm holders in the case of pediatric examinations.

 In dentistry, it is not acceptable by the APA (Portuguese Environment Agency) to use circular collimators in intraoral X-ray equipment. Therefore, Radtec provides rectangular collimators for adaptation to certain circular collimators in order to reduce the radiation to the lowest possible level.


More Info (Portuguese):

Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente, Práticas com Exposições Médicas.

Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente, Licenciamento

Protection Equipment Summary

  • Take into account legal requirements
  • Available equipment and adapters
  • Control carried out by the APA

Our Brands

  • Several brands available
Rua da Cruz de Pau, 48 R/C

4450-103 Matosinhos | Portugal
